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主治醫師: 岑祥庚
岑醫師曾入讀于香港中文大學並取得針灸碩士, 心臟科理学碩士 及廣州南方醫科大學(前稱第一軍醫大學)中醫學碩士學位。岑醫師亦取得湖南中醫藥大學中醫婦科學博士學位。其研究方向主要為不孕及運用中藥/針灸以增加 ivf (試管嬰兒)之成功率。 為加深對 ivf 之認識, 岑醫師入讀並完成中文大學首屆生殖醫學及臨床胚胎學課程(MSc in Reproductive Medicine and Clinical Embryology)並取得碩士學位。岑醫師于2003年取得香港註冊中醫師資格。
Dr. C K Sum got his registration (Chinese Medicine Practitioner) in 2003. He got TWO Master Degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), one in Acupuncture and the other one in Cardiology. He also obtained a M. Med. (TCM) at the Southern Medical University in China and a Doctor Degree of Medicine (TCM - Gynecology) at Hunan University of Chinese Medicine in China. His research interest mainly in infertility and using Chinese medicine & acupuncture to increase the IVF success rate. For this purpose, he also completed his third Master Degree in CUHK - Reproductive Medicine and ClinicalEmbryology.

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